
Grants are considered 4 times a year, usually in March, July, October and December and come under four main categories:


Grants to Individual young people or Groups of Young People: Grants under this section are only available to young people resident in Norfolk who are under 21 years of age. Grants would normally not exceed £2,500 - see separate guidelines attached to application form for grants in this category.

Grants to youth groups: These grants are awarded to bona fide youth groups and Charities which have 60% of their members in the priority age of under 21 years. The main purpose of the youth group must be to deliver youth work / social education to this age group. Grants would not normally exceed £2,500.

Training grants: These grants are to support the training of adults in charities and voluntary organisations. Grants are awarded to cover the financial year 1 April to 31 March. A grant of up to 50% of costs up to £2,500 would normally be the maximum.

Support grants to organisations: These grants are intended for improvement and development of charities and voluntary organisations and may be used in the following ways:

  • Equipment
  • buildings
  • start up grants

Additional information on the available grants can be found by clicking here