About Red House Youth Trust

The Red House School Trust and Norfolk Youth Trust had very similar aims; the differences were that the Red House School Trust had invested the resources realised from the sale of the Red House School (the history of which can be found here) and used the income to execute their aims through the awarding of grants to young people and youth groups, whereas Norfolk Youth Trust, created as a Charity in 1981 under the name Norfolk Children's Projects, owned two properties in North Norfolk which were available for use by youth groups at a greatly subsidised rate and in this way supported the beneficiaries identified in their Trust deed through the promotion of education and training in the field of intermediate treatment of children and young people in the County of Norfolk who are delinquent or exposed to moral danger.

Both sets of Trustees worked with HM Charity Commission over a period of 4 years to form the Red House Youth Trust in 2002 for the support and benefit of their beneficiaries as outlined in the Scheme.


You can download the Scheme (.PDF) [15.1 MB]External Link that now governs the two charities previously known as The Norfolk Youth Projects (282634) and The Red House School Charitable Trust (1023378)